Okay, so here is a small disclaimer for you.
All posts about movies, video games, books, comics, and anything else with a plot should be regarded as having a giant flashing "SPOILER WARNING" sign at the top of them. Mainly because I kinda like plots, and I kinda also like talking about plots. See where this is going?
Also any video posted that is not under the user names of 'MoldBreakerz' or 'Swiftz0r' on YouTube, I do not own, nor do I pretend to own. I also don't own any associated videos, internally linked videos, advertisements, or post videos (the ones that are suggested after you finish watching said video) unless again, they are under my username.
Subsequently I don't own any image that I post unless it is from my Imgur account, and even then there will be a few photo's in there that I do not own, but I will also try to keep those down to images of only me and my friends. Along with this I am not asking permission to post peoples image or likeness, if you wish for me to remove your image or likeness from any of my photo albums please send me an email at: MoldBreakerz@gmail.com with the image/images in question linked in the text.
Finally all of the products that I discuss I do not own any trade or legal rights to. This is of course unless otherwise stated (I am a computer programmer after all, chances that I won't have my name on a piece of software at some point is small.) If you feel that I am misrepresenting the product, AND you own the product and wish for me to change the way I display the products name feel free to email me once again (make it from some sort of company email just so I can verify). If you DO NOT own the product you can still email me but I probably won't do too much about it.