So three weeks ago we saw the release of The Expendables 2, which I have not seen and I do not plan seeing it. But seeing as this is supposed to be somewhat of a big movie it would be an opportune time to express a few long standing thoughts of mine on the current state of the Entertainment Industry. I'm not going to beat around the bush with this one either. I'm not happy. Not one bit. And this is for a variety of reasons too, which wouldn't you know it, we're going to discuss here. Oh and you might want to buckle in because were going to be covering a lot of ground here.
So as I stated earlier this whole deal really just started with The Expendables 2, but the problem stems much much deeper than that. You see what is really the big thing to take away from the whole Expendables 2 thing is that with it Hollywood is essentially doing what the music industry did with their Supergroups, a nice a novel idea to bring a bunch of big names together in an effort of making something even more famous. And while this worked in the music industry for a while it eventually fell apart because one thing can only have so much fame. You see that is what The Expendables did. They took just about every big name action star that they could get a hold of and put them into one movie, was it bad: no, was it good: no, it just kinda was, and now The Expendables 2 is rehashing what the music industry did getting out of the "Oh hey cool" and into the "Yea, we don't care." Okay, okay I'm ranting here, but it needs to be said: Expendables 2 is what would amount to a quick cash grab. The writing from the first one was so generic that you could have taken any movie that any of those actors have been in and write in a role for all of the other characters in the movie and you get The Expendables. The writing is just that bad.
No, just no. |
And speaking of the writing in The Expendables the book industry isn't exactly immune either. You see over the past 6 to 7 years a few notable books have been taking heat from multiple sources. yes of course I'm talking about Twilight, but we've all heard everything there is to hear about Twilight's one dimensional, at best characters. So instead we take a look at a more recent book series, Fifty Shades of Grey. For those of you who don't know Fifty Shades of Grey, FSG, is a book series about BDSM. You see the issue here is where the books finds their roots. The books were started off as a Twilight Fanfic, not to say there is anything that is wrong with fanfics, but there could easily be something wrong with a fanfic containing heavy sexual content based off of a series whose original target audience is 12-18 year old girls. Now if that's not reason enough to hate these books then look at message. As I said the whole series is pretty much about BDSM, and from what I understand in the later books straight out rape. Part of it is the fact that the main character goes into a submissive state for the millionaire that she is willing to do anything he says. Now is this what we want our society to idolize? I certainly don't, why teach the female audience to regress back to an age where they had no rights, and that they should be okay with it. We should be teaching about freedom of self and individualism, not submissive tendencies to give in to deep desires.
My thoughts exactly! |
But oh ho ho videogame industry, don't think that you're quite free of any attention here. Yea you know that game about six to seven weeks ago, Darksiders 2? Yea about that, I'm going to need you to turn in your ID badge to my desk on Monday morning. But in all seriousness games like Darksiders, Dantes Inferno, and Bayonetta, why do you exist? Is it to torture me into reminding me of a time where Devil May Cry was one of the first titles to do it to a level of awesomeness that you so feel you must attempt to live up to? Or is it to remind me of how there actually once was a good God of War game with a plot that wasn't just Kratos SMASH!!? Now I'm all for a good platformer, and have played plenty in my years of playing games, and will probably play many more, but what some of these games have done is taken proven and good formulas for that worked for specific titles because of their fresh ideas, and thrown all of that away and pretty much told all of us to buy their games and not think twice. I mean its kinda like Resident Evil games, where their not scary, just actiony. Oh and Ubisoft, if after Assassins Creed 3 you don't call it a series I might have to punch you, because I don't want to buy anymore half-assed excuse for games, especially not if they're going to try and replicate the first 2, which were possibly 2 of the greatest games I've ever played, each for different reasons though.
Not really how I imagined Death to look like. |
And thats pretty much why I'm pissed off, and you should be, with the current entertainment industry. Yes, I know I didn't touch on all the good things happening these days, but when all of the bad things are doing so well you really don't want to think of the good things, mainly because its just that these problems are huge and out there and you're screaming that they need to be fixed, but no one is listening. Oh and sorry Music Industry if I forgot to pick on you a little bit, but I don't really think much is going on with you. I mean there's nothing wrong with Nicki Minaj or Justin Bieber right? Or how the number one the Hot-100 right now is about Taylor Swift doesn't want to be with her ex anymore. I mean, no, nothings wrong with any of that. Right?