They only want to hug. |
1) Never for get the shotgun.
It is always important that one must be prepared, and nothing says prepared like a 12 gauge slung over the shoulder. I do understand that the shotgun has been over-romanticized in popular zombie media and on ever zombie survival guide but honestly why shouldn't it be? I mean nothing says badass like a gun that can blow a hole in not only 1, 2, 3, but up to 4 targets with a single slug. Where can I sign up. Just remember though that this puppy has one helluva kick to it and is not advised for young children, unless your fighting children zombies, then don't forget to kneel down to conserve ammo and get a better headshot.
2) Avoid spending too much time in major cities.
This one is pretty obvious if you ask me but it still needs to be said. Major cities mean one thing: lots of people. And a lot of people turns into a lot of zombies so its obvious that the biggest concentration of the zombie horde is going to be sitting in a major city. Now thats not to say to avoid them entirely, quite the contrary, major cities are where all the supplies are, ammo, food, stress relief targets, but you just gotta be careful. Just don't forget to get plenty of those supplies before you leave, remember efficiency is the key.
3) Travel in groups.
This one is a pretty non-standard way to do things. Most people will argue that you build an attachment and won't want to help your friends when they start craving your flesh. I say that if you do develop that bond the less likely that the time will come that they will get a craving for your flesh. Now a group of 20 can really waste your resources so you should try and stay down to about 4 - 8 people, enough to cover your ass and not be a burden. Also make sure these people are your close friends and have a good sense of humor to make surviving the horde even easier.
Left 4 Dead got it right, groups are key. |
4) Stay mobile.
Every zombie movie says this and they say it for a reason. If you stay in one place its like putting a silver platter under your ass and saying to the zombies: "Here I am!! Come get me, I'm fresh and I taste good." However when your always on the move your more comparable to meals on wheels, only your wheels don't deliver. Also the advantage to staying mobile is you get to see the world, no matter how apocalyptically ravaged it is, think of it a photo opp at the Grand Canyon one day and swimming in the Atlantic the next, ahh the good life.
5) Impenetrable Fort.
Okay if you absolutely feel the need to bunker down just make sure that you're in someplace absolutely safe, like the side of a mountain, behind a 2 ft. thick steel door. Seriously though make sure that your personal bunker meets 3 qualifications: well fortified, able to see out, and see whats coming, and rig the place with traps. Think of it like this, a fence all the way around your steel and concrete palace with a minefield 50 ft. deep. Any zombies dare to come close just sit back and watch the bits fly, but don't forget to replace the mines or else wave 2 will surely be having brain soup for supper.
6) Chainsaws Suck!
Contrary to popular belief chainsaws are not your best friend when getting in close with the zombie horde. Mainly because the way chainsaws work, Its a rotating blade. Yea it can cut skin like butter but think of it like this, you need to start the chainsaw and how many regular old people know how to run a chainsaw? You need to have gas and oil to run the chain saw, why would you waste precious fuel on killing the horde? My suggestion is to simply use a giant meat cleaver, yea the bones may be tough to cut but with enough force you'll never even notice.
7) The Right Gun for Every Situation.
Now I know that I said shotguns were great idea but their not always the best, or even the right idea. For example a shotgun is ideal in a situation where your in close with a lot of zombies but what happens when you get in confined spaces and you are trying to escape the way you came? Well try a flamethrower. Or if there a ton of zombies that you need to take out fast? Well throw a Molotov or use a machine gun to thin their ranks. Never forget that sometimes is can be better to just blow a leg off with a pistol than to waste a shotgun shell on a single zombie.
Be prepared. |
8) Take a Book.
Now this is pretty much counter productive to just about every zombie movie ever but think about it. Your going to need a way to kill some time and I suggest reading. The only thing you need to read is a little bit of light so you can kill a bored day by doing so. I know that I'm going to bring my library with me because why not? Books work fine no matter how many times you use them, they never jam and if your in a pickle you can throw some of the heavier ones at the zombies as weapons. Plus you never know what the currency will be in the New World Zombie Order and you may just be one of the few people with a book to read. Just don't get too into the book that you forget to watch your back.
9) Lights Out!
Now yes, light is a nice thing to have, during the day. But remember even zombies can see, how else could they find the best place on your neck to munch on. So at night, light isn't the best thing unless you're actively looking for something/someone. Yea all of the horror games and movies show the survivors as people who can't live without it but the truth is the human body can adjust to different situations, such as low light. For example has anyone ever laid awake at night not being able to sleep? Well you know how the room becomes more profound the longer that you are awake. This is because your eyes are adjusting to the low light level. So long story short you don't need it and you probably don't want it.
10) Keep your wits about you.
We all know that zombies are really just looking for deadly human brain hugs and that your job as a survivor is to keep that from happening. Now its time to make sure that you use your brain to keep from being brain salad. So use it, thats what the zombies want it and you got it. Its a game of capture the flag only your flag is your best weapon against the horde, just don't loose it because if you do its game over forever.
So just remember that next time there is a zombie apocalypse to keep to these simple rules and you'll be just fine. Happy Halloween everybody!
But not too happy or you'll end up like this. |